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I want to help

With a large project like this, there is always plenty to do. Not only with actual writing of code but also in documentation, providing support, testing etc. Of course you can help out greatly by donating a few bucks but helping out can also be done in other ways:

  • If you like to help with the development, e.g. implementing a new music provider or fix a player specific quirk, please reach out on discord. There hasn't been time to write extended development docs but once you get the grasp of the structure it is relatively straight forward.
  • Provide or update a translation
  • Help others out on discord or within the discussions part of Github
  • Help out with writing documentation and HOWTO's
  • Just like erkr and OzGav help out as a moderator on discord and Github with the load of incoming reports, requests and questions. Thanks guys!
  • Make sure to like this project by clicking the "star" button and share it with others!


As explained above you can also show your appreciation in all kinds of ways. Besides that donations are great for buying some test hardware, paying for Apple/Google Developer accounts, paying hosting charges and for streaming provider accounts and contributions to the metadata projects.

A really big thank you in advance from the whole team!

I hope you like my little pet project I've been working on since 2019. I'm sure that together with the really great HA community we can grow this project into something fantastic. Thanks!

Kind regards,
