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SoundCloud Provider Preview image

Music Assistant has support for Soundcloud. Contributed by gieljnssns


Two fields need to be completed to use this provider, Client id and Authorization. To obtain these proceed as follows:

  1. Delete your cookies for Soundcloud.
  2. Go to Soundcloud.
  3. Open the Inspect tool (F12 on most browsers).
  4. Go to the page Network on the inspect terminal.
  5. Login.
  6. Search for auth.
  7. In one of the requests you will find client_id and Authorization

client_id: string of 32 bytes alphanumeric

Authorization: string that begins with O-Auth and a string (the o-auth token is "O-Auth . . .")


Example code snippet (O-Auth and client_id are NOT real, use yours):

client_id = jHvc9wa0Ejf092wj3f3920w3F920as02
Authorization = O-Auth 3-26432-21446-asdif2309fj

Known Issues / Notes

  • Artists synced from Soundcloud are actually Soundcloud users.
  • If a song by artist X is uploaded by user Y, this song belongs to the artist Y in Music Assistant