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Subsonic Provider Preview image

Music Assistant has support for music servers which work to the Open Subsonic API definition. The implementation has been tested against Gonic and Navidrome but should work with any implementation. This component is contributed and maintained by khers


  • All music tracks will be imported into MA
  • Podcasts are supported


You will need to provide the following to Music Assistant:

  • A base URL for the server starting with http:// or https:// (e.g. https://music.domain.tld)
  • A port number (e.g. 80 for plain http, 443 for https, or an port where your server can be reached)
  • A path used to get to the rest API (e.g. mypathroute/ if you are path routing, leave this blank unless you know you need it)
  • A user name for the account you want Music Assistant to use to access your server
  • The password for this account

A toggle controls podcast availability in Music Assistant.

Known Issues / Notes

  • Not all server implementations accept an empty string as a search query, however this is considered valid input per the API documentation. If search or track enumeration fails, ask the authors of your server implementation about handling empty query strings
  • This provider makes use of for communicating with the server, if something is failing to work properly in Music Assistant, try to use that library to interact with your server (can you ping it?, fetch artist and albums?, can you search?)
  • This provider only supports servers implementing the Open Subsonic API definition. To verify that your server is compatible, use the same setup you used to test connectivity above to hit the getOpenSubsonicExtensions() endpoint. If this endpoint is not implemented, we cannot talk to your server
  • If you find a mismatch between what is displayed by your Subsonic compatible server and Music Assistant then refer to and contribute here to help find a solution
  • Not all Open Subsonic implementations handle tracks/albums with multiple contributing artists particularly well. If you see strange artists listed in Music Assistant, please verify that your implementation has an artist ID for all artists listed on a track or album. See the discussion here
  • If problems are encountered seeking within tracks try the "Force player provider seek" option in the subsonic provider settings
  • It is not possible to playback m4a files. Options to workaround this are
    • Don't use this format
    • Force the subsonic server to transcode all m4a files before serving to a format that works
    • Don't serve these files from a subsonic server
    • It may be possible to force an encoder to place the moov atom at the beginning of the file. This would make the files playable, but MA provides no support for this